5 ways hair loss treatment could improve your mental health

5 ways hair loss treatment could improve your mental health
07 October 2022
2-minute read

5 reasons why hair loss treatment could improve your mental health 

Losing your hair can be a worrying time for a most men. In fact, hair loss can have a range of psychological impacts on your mental health, so it makes sense to do something about it if it bothers you. In this article, we look at five reasons why undertaking effective hair loss treatment can work wonders for your mental health. 

Reduced likelihood of anxiety and depression 

There are a whole host of factors that can lead to anxiety and depression. Hair loss is anxiety-inducing for lots of men, and research shows that alopecia can lead to a range of profound psychological impacts. Therefore, treating your hair loss and improving the growth of your hair reduces your likelihood of becoming anxious or depressed about your condition. After all, it’s reassuring that you can do something to combat your hair loss. 

Improved confidence 

Hair loss is known to lead to a loss of confidence and lowered self-esteem in men. Androgenic alopecia can lower the quality of life for some men and can knock their confidence in all aspects of their life, from their personal relationships to work performance. If you’ve been used to a full and thick head of hair for most of your life, the shock of seeing your hair thinning out can have a huge impact on your self-esteem, which is why seeking treatment is an important step forward. 

Increased social activity 

Hair loss can cause some people to put their social lives on hold. It’s one thing being able to get out to the office, but for many people, maintaining their social activity when suffering from hair loss is a step too far. As such, starting hair loss treatment and noticing improvements in the growth of your hair can give you the confidence you need to head back out into the world. As we know, social activity is crucial for mental wellbeing, whether it’s a quiet drink at the local with your friends or a family weekend function. 

Improved self image 

The way you see yourself in the mirror each morning is extremely important. For many of us, our morning routines consist of significant amounts of hair and beard care, ensuring we look the part when we leave the house. As you start noticing the early signs that your hair loss treatment is working, it will improve your self image. Again, this contributes to your confidence and ensures that you don’t retreat into your shell. 

Better sleep quality 

Constantly worrying about your hair loss will affect all aspects of your life, particularly your sleep quality. Research highlights the relationship between sleep deprivation and a range of mental health issues, so worrying throughout the night about your hair loss won’t help your mental wellbeing. However, taking control of your hair loss and undertaking some clinically-proven treatments will undoubtedly help to improve your mental health. 

Begin your hair loss treatment today 

The relationship between hair loss and mental health is undeniable. At Sons, we help men of all ages treat male pattern hair loss and reduce their risk of suffering from a mental health condition as a result. Our Full Works treatment is the most comprehensive plan and combines Finasteride, Minoxidil, Biotin, and DHT-blocking shampoo to give you the best possible chance of treating hair loss. 

If you’re experiencing male pattern hair loss, don’t just grin and bear it. Take the necessary steps to start your hair loss treatment today and look after your mental health.

All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.