
All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.

The Hair Growth Cycle Stages Explained
3 min read

The Hair Growth Cycle Stages Explained

Understanding the hair growth cycle stages isn’t crucial. You can tackle hair loss without knowing your telogen from your catagen. But it can help you if you’re on a hair regrowth journey understand exactly what is happening.
Does Ozempic Cause Hair Loss?
4 min read

Does Ozempic Cause Hair Loss?

Ozempic is a hot topic in the news with the drug being touted as a ‘miracle cure’ for obesity. But what exactly is Ozempic, and how does it work? And does Ozempic actually cause hair loss?
Is Minoxidil Toxic to Cats and Dogs?
3 min read

Is Minoxidil Toxic to Cats and Dogs?

Minoxidil, one of only two clinically proven treatments for hair loss in humans, might be good for your hair. But for our little furry friends, Minoxidil is less kind. Here’s what you need to know.
Is Finasteride Safe?
3 min read

Is Finasteride Safe?

Here’s everything you need to know about Finasteride, how it works, and how to take it safely and responsibly.
Hair Loss Expert Answers the Internet's Most Searched Questions
1 min read

Hair Loss Expert Answers the Internet's Most Searched Questions

Medical director at Sons, Dr Knut Moe, answers the most searched hair loss questions from the internet.
What Will Happen if You Stop Using Minoxidil?
3 min read

What Will Happen if You Stop Using Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a clinically proven treatment for hair loss. But if you’re wondering what will happen to your gains if you stop using the treatment, let us clear up any questions you might have. 

How To Style Thinning Hair
2 min read

How To Style Thinning Hair

These helpful tips on styling thinning hair can help you look like you have more hair on your head wherever you are on your hair journey.
The Health Benefits of Sons Hair Growth Complex
4 min read

The Health Benefits of Sons Hair Growth Complex

We’ve packed our Hair Growth Complex full of natural ingredients to help you maximise your hair health, but did you know that the health benefits go much further? Here's just some of the key whole-body benefits to be unlocked.
It's Science: Breaking Down the Sons' Secret
3 min read

It's Science: Breaking Down the Sons' Secret

So there’s really no need to hide that the ‘secret’ behind our approach is just science. Here’s how it works.