Hair Loss: Why Does it Happen?

Hair Loss: Why Does it Happen?
20 April 2022
3-minute read

Hair Loss: Why Does it Happen? 

Statistics show that male pattern hair loss affects 53% of men between the ages of 40-49. As such, the thinning and disappearance of our hair is something that many men struggle to avoid. While there’s no disputing the figures, many of us are less clear on why hair loss actually occurs. Below, we look at some of the reasons why men experience hair loss and explain what you can do if you notice your hair thinning. 

Why do men experience hair loss? 

From genetics to stress, there are a wide variety of reasons why hair loss occurs. In the vast majority of instances, male pattern hair loss is caused by genetic factors, relating to the hormone DHT. However, men may lose hair due to contributing factors that don’t help the process, including certain lifestyle choices. Let’s take a look at the reasons why men experience hair loss and actions you can take to help halt the process.


For many men, male pattern hair loss is a genetic phenomenon caused by a genetic sensitivity to a hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT binds to hair follicles, causing them to shrink and eventually fall out. It also restricts your ability to regrow hair, leading to patches around the temples and scalp. The good news is that genetic male pattern hair loss can be treated. Scientifically-backed medications Finasteride and Minoxidil work in tandem to prevent further hair loss and stimulate regrowth. Both medications play a crucial role in our Full Works Hair Loss treatment package.


74% of UK adults admit to being stressed at some point in a year, to the point where they feel overwhelmed or unable to cope. Rather than just an annoyance, stress is a severe condition that can lead to a range of medical issues if left untreated - hair loss is one of them. Data shows that stress can lead to three different types of hair loss - telogen effluvium, alopecia ariata, and trichotillomania. Each condition varies in severity, but it’s essential to make some lifestyle changes if you’re affected by stress-related hair loss. You should also contact your doctor to discuss potential treatment plans. 


Like all other aspects of your body, hair is affected by lifestyle. If you’re regularly drinking excessively and struggling to sleep, there’s a slight chance that your hairline could suffer as a result, without mentioning the overall health impacts. Failing to get enough sleep can have a negative effect on the growth of your hair, and may also lead to an increase in your stress levels. In addition, sleep deprivation has been shown to result in lower production of essential hormones, many of which play an important role in hair growth. As such, stepping off the gas a little and ensuring you get enough sleep at night could help to prevent hair loss. 


Another potential cause of hair loss in men is diet. If you’re not getting sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals in your diet (particularly Vitamin D), your hairline could suffer as a result. Conversely, diets rich in the likes of zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and iron may play an important role in maintaining healthy hair growth. Ultimately, watching what you eat and ensuring your diet is rich in essential nutrients may limit hair loss susceptibility.

Be it a receding hairline or thinning around the temples, there are actions you can take to help make a difference. Whether you opt for our Full Works or Duo treatment plan, our treatments are clinically proven to treat male pattern hair loss. Although it’s difficult to answer the question ‘why do men go bald?’, it’s simple to take action. Get in touch today if you have any questions about our treatments. 

All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.