Early Signs of Balding and How to Stop Them

Early Signs of Balding and How to Stop Them
06 December 2019
2-minute read

This article has been medically verified by Dr. Knut Moe - Medical Director at Sons

Hair loss is something that affects most men during their lifetime. Noticing the early signs can help us to take control and make considered and informed decisions about our hair. However, like most ageing processes, balding happens slowly and can be tricky to identify. Many online sources will promote false claims that could put any man in a panic. So, here’s our guide to help you know the real signs.


A change in your hairline


A change in your hairline is usually the first sign that you’re losing your hair. This usually begins in the front of the hairline and moves backwards over time. It can begin with a thinning around the temples that causes a slightly more exaggerated V-shaped hairline. A good way to check this is to look for a noticeable difference in photographs. It’s important to remember that light can make a difference and you should compare to like-for-like photos (e.g. two photos taken outside in natural light). If you’re concerned about balding, you can take a photo once every three weeks in the bathroom mirror. Over six months or so, you should be able to know if you’re beginning to suffer from male pattern hair loss.


Noticeable thinning


You may also begin to lose hair through a condition called diffuse thinning. This is where you experience hair fall from all areas of your head. The early stages can be less obvious than other balding processes as it doesn’t begin at the hairline. However, the most obvious signs are excessive hair loss and general thinness to the appearance and feel of your hair. You can check for this by noticing how much hair is on your pillow in the morning, in the drain after you shower and on your brush. Again, you can also compare photos from a few weeks apart and look for any changes too.


False signs


When you notice a difference in your hair, it’s easy to immediately think of balding. However, there are a few false signs which could misdirect you:


  • An itchy scalp is caused by dry, irritated skin and has no link to balding.
  • A widow’s peak is a genetic trait which makes your hair form into a dominant V-shape but will not lead to hair loss (you may notice this in your relatives).
  • A bald father or grandfather is not a sign that you are 100% fated for baldness too, scientists and clinicians are still unclear on the genetics and how we inherit this trait. However, there is a strong genetic component and if every male in your family suffers with hair loss, there’s a strong likelihood that it will affect you too eventually.
  • Thin-looking hair after the shower is not necessarily a sign of balding hair loss, it’s usually just your hair clumping together. If you are noticing increasing scalp being visible however, it could be an early sign of hair loss.


How to treat signs of balding


If you’re sure that you are noticing early signs of balding, it’s best to act as soon as possible. At Sons, we ask you to complete an online consultation which will help us to tailor a treatment plan for you. This will involve various products containing Finasteride, Minoxidil, DHT blocking shampoo all of which are proven ways to treat hair loss and improve hair quality.

Don’t put up with balding, take back control with Sons. Take an online consultation today. 

All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.