Why Sons hair loss treatment plans could be the perfect gift

Why Sons hair loss treatment plans could be the perfect gift
31 January 2023
3-minute read

Why Sons hair loss treatment plans could be the perfect gift 

Deciding what to give your loved one for a special occasion can prove to be a real challenge. As such, out-of-the-box thinking is often rewarded, and it’s often the least expected gifts that seem that little more thoughtful. With that in mind, we explain why Sons’ hair loss treatment plans could be the perfect thoughtful gift for a loved one and provide you with an insight into what you can expect from our hair loss treatments. 

Help your loved one take the first step 

Historically, men have been encouraged to “grin and bear it” when it comes to hair loss. While many men wish to do something about their hair loss, they often lack the motivation or confidence to do so due to the historical narrative. If you have spoken with your partner, brother, father, or son about their hair loss and you know that they’re open to the idea of treatment, you have the perfect opportunity to help them take the first step by gifting them a treatment this year. 

Lots of treatments to choose from 

At Sons, we have a broad range of hair loss treatment plans for you to choose from. For instance, our plans include Finasteride and Minoxidil, which are the only two treatments that are clinically proven to treat male pattern hair loss. Finasteride works by preventing DHT from binding to the receptors on your hair follicles, while Minoxidil is a vasodilator that you apply to the affected areas of your scalp to stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to your follicles. As a result, your hair is given the ideal conditions in which to thrive. 

We bring Finasteride and Minoxidil together in our duo treatment plan and combine them with Biotin and saw-palmetto shampoo in our popular Full Works treatment plan. Alternatively, you might be interested in our Topical spray, which also contains Finasteride and Minoxidil. It’s easy to apply and saves you from taking an oral tablet, making it a popular option with lots of men. No matter which plan you opt for, they can all contribute to hair growth and are trusted by lots of men throughout the UK. 

Long-term results 

Our hair loss treatment plans are perfect for people with long-term results in mind. Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix for hair loss, and for treatment to be effective, you need to be patient and consistent. It typically takes 6-12 months to start seeing the results of our hair loss treatments, but thereafter, they will help you maintain the head of hair that you’ve always wanted. So, giving the gift of hair loss treatment is something that will stay with your loved one for a long time into the future, making it a wonderful present to opt for this festive season.

Flexible plans 

When you decide on the hair loss treatment you wish to gift; you can sign up for a flexible treatment plan that makes sense to you. For instance, you can opt for our Full Works treatment plan monthly or sign up for a 3-or 6-month plan. If you sign up for 3-6 months in one go, you will save money. All of our subscriptions are flexible, too, so you can cancel or change them at any time. 

Give the gift of hair loss treatment 

While it might not be the most conventional gift, a hair loss treatment plan from Sons could be the best gift that your loved one has ever received! Browse through our treatment plans to find the perfect option for you, and feel free to check out our FAQs section if you have any further questions about our treatment options.

All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.