To determine whether you are going bald you have to pay close attention to how and where your hair is thinning. If you notice a loss of hair on the sides of the temple and around the crown area, you will most likely go bald to some extent - if you are experiencing hair loss in localised patches on your scalp or if you experience a sudden loss of hair, it is more likely a temporary condition caused by stress or illness. A good way to recognise balding is to take pictures of your hair periodically and use physical landmarks (such as freckles) to note how much your hair is receding.
Not officially, as it won’t change your genetics and prevent you from having hair loss. However, scalp massages do stimulate blood flow in the scalp which can help to support the hair follicles - especially when administered in conjunction with Finasteride and Minoxidil. It certainly won’t do any harm to your hair, if performed properly.
It’s much easier to maintain what you have than get back what you have lost when it comes to male pattern hair loss. 90% of the men who use our hair loss treatment plans will hold on the hair they have and halt further loss. Of those, about 60% will get some level of hair regrowth, particularly of hair that has only recently stopped growing. So the key, if you want to treat male pattern hair loss, is to start treatment early to give you the best chance of significant growth.
There is no empirical evidence that proves essential oils treat hair loss. If they were proven to treat hair loss, they would be far more widely used than they are currently. However, essential oils can be used to improve the quality and appearance of hair once it has grown. Essential oils help to bring softness and shine to your hair due to its moisturising effects. It can be particularly useful to bring oils back that are removed from over-washing your hair and showering with very hot water. Our Sons shampoo contains five great essential oils for this purpose: argan oil, cedarwood oil, amla oil, sage oil and rosemary leaf oil.
Haircuts in themselves don’t have a massive impact on the hair loss process but the style of the haircut can make a big difference to the way your hair appears. Make sure that you find a barber that you trust and can talk through your hair loss with. If you pick someone experienced, they’ll know the best ways to help your hair appear thicker for you, making the most of the hair you have to give you the best look to suit your hair density.
Vitamins help with the quality of your hair but there is little evidence that they can reverse the hair loss process. B vitamins (such as vitamin B3 and Biotin) help to improve health by aiding blood circulation and providing nutrition to your cells, especially in your skin, hair and nails. Whilst this improves the appearance of your hair, it does very little to reverse the hair loss process.
Hair grows in cycles. However, there is no cyclical or seasonal pattern to hair falling out as there is with other mammals (e.g. dogs). People who experience a sudden increase in their hair falling out may be suffering from shock loss that has been caused by a stress-related condition. These kinds of condition are usually temporary and can be treated.
You are what you eat and it’s no different when it comes to our hair. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin that is produced in the body. A well-balanced diet will help your body to promote this protein and provide you with all the vitamins and minerals you need to maintain body processes. There are also some foods that contain minute amounts of DHT-blockers - whilst these have a low impact on hair loss, they can help your mental state and keep a healthy diet. These include spinach, mushrooms, kale, berries and legumes.
Showering every day does not directly cause hair loss. Reports of hair falling out because of everyday showering are usually cases where hair that is ready to fall out anyway is dislodged by washing hair. However, showering every day with very hot water or an abrasive shampoo can be damaging to your hair and impact its quality.
No - wearing a hat regularly does not cause male pattern baldness.
However, it isn’t good for your hair. Regularly wearing a hat (especially if it’s tight and pulling on your hairline) can cause your hair to be damaged and strained. In bad cases, this can cause traction alopecia - a condition that causes your hair to fall out due to the excessive pulling on the hair follicle. If you regularly wear a hat as part of your job or style, it’s best to wear them as loosely as possible and have regular periods without wearing a hat at all
The main thing to treat hair loss is taking early action. There are two options for this: getting a consultation and treatment plan in place as soon as possible or getting the razor out to shave it all off. Maintaining hair is much easier than regrowing it, so if you’re worried about going bald or you can see the early signs of it, taking a proactive approach and starting treatment early will give you the best outcome. Feel free to start your consultation with us now, if you feel like it is right for you.
There are several factors that play minor roles in slowing down hair loss, however, the only proven way to treat it is with a medicated treatment plan of Finasteride and Minoxidil. For those people that aren’t keen on taking medication, we would recommend having a good diet, getting regular exercise and reducing the use of abrasive shampoo and hair dyes. However, this will have very little effect on hair loss and you will eventually have to accept that you are losing your hair. If you own it, we’re sure you’ll be ok.
We all lose between 120-150 hairs a day. It’s natural for hair to fall out once it’s reached the end of its finite lifespan (roughly two to three years) to be replaced with new hair.
If your new hair becomes thinner and doesn’t grow as much, it can be a sign of early male pattern hair loss. This can often be seen at the edge of the hairline with shorter, thinner and wispier hairs.
However, if you notice that you have increased and excessive amounts of hair falling out - i.e. in handfuls or small clumps - this may be due to a medical condition separate to male pattern hair loss. These conditions can often be treated effectively with appropriate medical advice from your GP or through referral to a specialist.
All men recede into a mature hairline as they get older - having the same hairline in your 40s as you did in your teens would look ridiculous. However, if you experience a receding hairline by the time you are in your late teens, it is probably the first sign of male pattern baldness. A receding hairline will usually begin with a thinning or loss of hair on either side of the temple that causes a subtle to extreme M-shape forming across the hairline. The sooner you treat this condition, the more likely you are to reduce your hair loss or even stop it altogether.
A certain amount of hairline recession is normal - having the same hairline and hair quantity in your 40s as you did in your teens wouldn’t look right. This kind of hair recession forms what is known as the ‘mature hairline’, where your hairlines around your temples rise up slightly in your early 20s. However, if your hairline recedes significantly above your temples, this could be an early sign of male pattern baldness. A great comparison tool to check your hairline against is the Norwood classification, which details the various stages and patterns of male hair loss.
If you are suffering from male pattern baldness and wish to maintain your hair, early treatment - that includes the combined use of Minoxidil and Finasteride - is advisable. Whilst more general treatments aren’t proven to stop or reverse hair loss, they can help with the quality of your hair, these include things such as: having a healthy diet, getting a good amount of exercise and avoiding abrasive hair dyes, shampoos and wearing a hat too often.
Essential oils such as argan oil and sage oil are popular in hair products for their scent and moisturising effects, however, they do not treat hair loss. We warn anyone looking for hair loss treatments against any products or packages on the market that are based heavily or entirely on essential oils. Ultimately, there is no evidence that oils can be used as a sole treatment for hair loss. The only two approved medications for hair loss are Finasteride and Minoxidil.
It is estimated that 50-60% of men will experience some level of hair loss across their lifetime. Hair loss to a certain extent is a normal part of growing older. However, if you want to maintain your hair, treating it with Minoxidil and Finasteride at the first sign of male pattern hair loss is your best bet.
You should definitely side with quality over quantity when it comes to shampoo. Whilst there aren’t any shampoos on the market that are proven to treat hair loss, it is best to avoid any cheap abrasive shampoos that can damage your hair. We recommend our own shampoo (and any like it) that contains natural ingredients that are nourishing for your hair. Contains a DHT blocker and DHT is the hormone for hair loss
Finasteride and Minoxidil are the two best products on the market to treat hair loss and the only medically-proven to work.
These two medications were two of the first to be FDA-approved for treating male hair loss and are still widely considered to be the most effective products for treating this genetic condition. It is important to only opt for medications that have been approved by medical bodies as other medications are not as effective and can cause adverse reactions.
Men go bald due to a genetic condition called androgenic alopecia which causes sensitivity to a male sex hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
DHT binds and shrinks the hair follicles in your scalp which forces out old hairs and causes new hairs to be shorter and thinner with each growth cycle through a process called miniaturisation. Eventually, the hair follicle shrinks to the point that hair stops growing altogether. This can happen as early as your twenties or much later on in life.
If you are male and your hair is falling out, you are not alone - around 50-60% of men will experience some level of hair loss across the course of their life. This is a genetic condition known as male pattern hair loss. The effects of male hair loss will vary from man to man - some will experience severe hair loss as early as their late teens, whilst others will have a gradual loss that starts in their 50s. Whilst there does tend to be a genetic pattern (i.e. if most of your male relatives lost their hair at a young age, there is a strong chance you will too) a good rule of thumb is to observe any loss of hair around the temples and on the top on the back of the head - two of the most common areas for hair loss in men.
DHT, short for dihydrotestosterone, is a naturally produced male androgen hormone that is one of the key causes of hair loss in men. DHT itself is one of the hormones that contributes to male characteristics, such as a deeper voice and facial hair. While DHT promotes the growth of hair in other parts of the body, an overproduction of the hormone can have a destructive impact on the hair on your head.
While reducing DHT levels in your body is difficult, medications such as Finasteride and Minoxidil have been proven to inhibit and block the hormone. More specifically, Finasteride works by binding to the receptors of your hair follicles, stopping them from shrinking. Minoxidil is a vasodilator, which helps to widen the blood vessels in your scalp, which supplies more blood to your follicles. When used together, Finasteride and Minoxidil can drastically lower the effects of DHT on your hair.
As DHT is a by-product of testosterone, DHT levels increase when male testosterone levels increase. Ultimately, the science is still out on the connections between DHT production and various types of food, but those with higher DHT levels can often point to genetic reasons. To help lower the effects, our DHT blocker shampoo, along with our other medications, is an ideal choice.
While every man is different, DHT blocker shampoos have been shown to have a positive impact on your hairline and can be effective at stopping DHT’s effects. As with all our medications, using DHT blocker shampoo alongside our other supplements will only help to boost the effects. Check out our full works plan to give your hair the best chance of thriving.