I am experiencing side effects, who can I talk to?

If you are experiencing side effects of any kind, immediately contact medical@sons.co.uk or give us a call on 0203 835 2645, where a member of the medical team will be in contact with advice.

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I don't think the products are working, what can I do?

Everyone responds differently to treatment and you may not be seeing the results you are expecting. Reach out to the medical team at medical@sons.co.uk and a member of the team will be in touch with information and recommendations.

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I've just had a hair transplant, are your products safe to use?

All of our products are suitable for use post-transplant and can help support re-growth following your procedure. We recommend speaking to the clinician performing the transplant for further advice.

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My partner and I are trying for a baby, is Finasteride safe for use?

If you are thinking of conceiving we recommend to come off finasteride for 3 months before and 3 months into conception. Although there is no direct evidence with Finasteride and birth defects, we recommend this simply out of an abundance of caution.

During this time you can use our Non-Prescription plan with contains Minoxidil, Shampoo and a Biotin supplement.

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Are Sons products tested on animals?

At Sons we do not directly test any of our products on animals nor do our direct suppliers. However some of the ingredients within our products may have been tested on animals by other suppliers. This would not be for direct use in our products but for other companies. Please also note that at one stage Finasteride will have been animal tested because unlike cosmetic products, which animal testing has long been banned in the UK, pharmaceutical drugs are tested on animals to ensure the safety of humans. Animal tests on human medicines are a legal requirement in almost every country in the world and no new prescription medicine can currently be developed without the use of animal testing. These laws come under the responsibilities of UK Department of Health and the European Union. However again, we would like to emphasize that these studies were not carried out by Sons directly.

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Are Sons treatments backed by science?

At Sons, we only offer treatments that have been proven to be effective under clinical conditions. For hair loss the two main treatments offered, minoxidil and finasteride, have decades of use in a clinical setting. Our gut health supplement similarly has been in use for nearly 20 years, with extensive studies highlighting its wide range of health benefits.

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Are your products suitable for female use?

Finasteride is not safe for female use. 5% Minoxidil is safe for females to use however cannot be sold to females as Sons are not permitted to do so under UK licensing.

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