Every spring clean starts with getting rid of the old and welcoming the new. Take a look through your wardrobe and ask yourself how many times you are genuinely going to wear each item - less than once a month? - give it to charity. If there are good causes that will benefit more from your clothes than you, it’s a no brainer to give them away.
Fix up your favourites
Every man has a favourite t-shirt or pair of jeans that have seen better days. Whilst it’s commendable to not throw stuff out for the sake of it, it’s also important to be presentable - a good way of making these two ideals meet is to fix up your favourite items. Learning to sow your old clothes back together is an eco-friendly way of looking good this spring.
Be select with anything new
Once you’ve got rid of the clothes that you don’t need, and fixed up any old favourites, it’s time to choose some essentials - for spring, that means t-shirts, shorts and shirts. Rather than picking out that flamboyant pattern shirt that will be worn once at your mate’s barbeque, opt for classic styles that you know you’ll wear over and over.
Commit to exercise every week
It’s at the top of everyone’s list when it comes to being the best version of themselves - getting more exercise is key to living well but you need to be realistic. Most men start off with an intense regime that they do for two weeks before packing it in. Instead, we recommend picking a do-able amount and sticking to it no matter what - that could be walking a mile every day or doing two 25 minute jogs a week - the most important thing is setting a target that you won’t break and then building from there.
Clear your schedule
If you sit and think about it, there are very few times in your day to day where you get to be truly alone, which isn’t good. Spending time by yourself is crucial to re-evaluate where you’re at and where you want to be - plus it makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Just like your wardrobe, it’s important to get rid of commitments you don’t need to make room for some time alone.
A man spring clean is the perfect opportunity to re-invent yourself this season. It’s a time to take a look at the stuff you have and reconsider what you really need; donating old clothes to charity, fixing up your favourites, investing in the basics, committing to exercise and clearing some time for yourself, are five ways to make that happen.
All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.