Do I have thinning hair?

Do I have thinning hair?
30 June 2021
2-minute read

Most men aren’t strangers to thinning hair - male pattern baldness will affect the majority of men in the UK at some point. Even so, that doesn’t mean you have to keep a stiff upper lip and put up with it. Catching those early signs makes your hair loss much easier to treat. If you’re unsure whether you have thinning hair or not, here are a few ways you can tell.

Your hairline is receding

A receding hairline is one of the most obvious signs that your hair is thinning, but it can sneak up on you surprisingly quickly. The signs will be small at first, with the hair around your temples or forehead starting to thin. Unless you’re on top of these early indicators, your hairline will gradually develop into a large M-shape. We suggest taking some well-lit pictures of your hairline once a month. This way you’ll be able to keep on top of any changes or developments in terms of recession. To get on top of these different stages, take a look at the Norwood Scale to determine where your hair is at.

Your hair isn’t holding in place in the same way

Used to your hair being styled in a specific way? Whether you’ve got a quiff or a comb-over, one of the signs that your hair might be thinning is a lack of hold when styling. While there may be other reasons - such as a change of product or a bad hair day - a lack of strength could be a sign that your hair is thinning. Even if you’re not using any product, obvious changes to the way your hair sits on your head could be a result of hair loss.

You’re noticing hairs falling out

Spotting hair on your pillow, in the shower or while brushing your hair can be a stressful experience for any man. However, it’s important to remember that everybody sheds around 50-100 hairs every day due to the natural hair growth cycle. While hair loss in this sense is completely normal, excessive hair loss can be a sign of male pattern hair loss. If this process continues, it might be time to do something about it. 

Your scalp is easily sunburnt

One of the many benefits of having a thick head of hair is that the top of your head is well protected from the sun. However, when the hair at the top of your head starts to thin, your scalp will be much more susceptible to sunburn. If you’re spending the same amount of time outdoors as usual and you’re still experiencing sunburn on your scalp, it may be a sign that your hair is starting to thin. Always remember to wear suncream and/or a hat if you’re outside for long periods.

If you’re noticing any of these thinning hair signs - don’t panic. Our range of hair loss treatments cover all areas of the Norwood Scale and contain a variety of medically verified compounds, including finasteride. Get in touch with one of our experts and book your first consultation today.

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