How to take care of thin hair

How to take care of thin hair
12 July 2022
3-minute read

As you age, your hair will likely start to thin. In fact, around 85% of men will experience hair thinning or some form of hair loss by the age of fifty. However, the key is not to panic if you notice your hair thinning out. As we explain below, there are several actions you can take to look after thinning hair appropriately. You can also take steps to thicken your hair, and we introduce the two clinically-proven medications that could deliver the results that you’re looking for. 

Choose the right hair care products 

An important first step when looking after thin hair is to choose the right products. It might sound obvious, but as a general rule avoid products that contain ingredients including sulfates, parabens, and propylene glycol, as they’re all extremely bad for your hair. If possible, opt for natural shampoos, conditioners, and gels, even if it means paying a little more. After all, your hair is precious, and you don’t want to treat it with harmful chemicals that do more harm than good in the long run. 

Consider a different style 

Having thin hair doesn’t have to be a bad thing. On your next trip to see your barber, ask for advice on how best to style your thinning hair. Whether you go for a stylish crop top or push back, you can choose a style to complement your hair and face shape. Styling your hair differently can potentially hide bare patches and improve your confidence when you step out the front door. 

Get into a hair care routine 

No matter how thick or thin your hair is, getting into a hair care routine is super important. Wash and condition your hair several times a week, and only apply natural products that help nourish your hair follicles. When showering, reduce the heat so the water is lukewarm while you’re rinsing your hair, as hot water isn’t good for your scalp. You should also let your hair dry naturally instead of using a hairdryer. Finally, visit your barber at least once a month to tidy things up and remove any dead ends. 

Think about nutrient supplements

It’s often overlooked, but your diet actually plays an integral role in the general health of your hair. When you’re nutrient deficient, your hair follicles and strands may struggle as a result. For both men and women, one of the most important proteins for the growth and structure of hair is keratin. Taking a biotin supplement can improve the keratin structure in cells throughout your body, potentially leading to a thicker and fuller head of hair.

Thicken your hair with medication 

If you want to take some steps to thicken your hair, you could do so by turning to medication - that’s where Sons comes in. Finasteride blocks the production of a hormone called DHT (the primary cause of hair loss), which binds to your hair follicles and causes them to shrink and thin over time. Minoxidil increases blood and oxygen flow to the hairs on your head, which can in turn help follicles regrow by providing them with vital nutrients. 

When used together, Finasteride and Minoxidil represent your best chance at thickening hair. So, it’s certainly worth considering treatment if you don’t want to put up with the current thickness of your hair. Our Core Plan combines Finasteride and Minoxidil and is ideal for men with mild to moderate hair loss.

Just because your hair is thinning, doesn’t mean you should take a hit to your confidence. Instead, the above tips will hopefully inspire you into action and give you the motivation you need to wrestle back control of the hair on your head, before or during treatment. If you’re interested in starting treatment to thicken your hair, begin your consultation with Sons today.

All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.