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Does Minoxidil work?

Does Minoxidil work?
24 September 2021
2-minute read

With two-thirds of men in the UK suffering from male pattern baldness, it’s no surprise that Minoxidil is catching some much-deserved attention. The treatment is often used daily alongside Finasteride and comes in the form of an easy-to-use topical solution, but does Minoxidil work? 

What is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a hair loss treatment that comes in a variety of forms, including spray, lotion and foam. At Sons, we use a high-strength 5% topical solution that is gently massaged into your scalp on a daily basis. As a vasodilator, the solution works by dilating blood vessels in your scalp, therefore improving blood flow and helping to revitalise your hair follicles. With more oxygen, the follicles on your scalp may be able to recover.

How do I use Minoxidil?

Coming in a 60ml bottle, Minoxidil is very straightforward to apply. Simply take 1ml of your Minoxidil solution and place it in the areas of your scalp that are most affected by your hair loss (usually the temple or crown). Gently massage the solution into these areas once in the morning and once in the night for a few minutes each time. You should also make sure that your scalp is dry before applying, so the solution absorbs more efficiently and reaches your hair follicles.

Does Minoxidil work? 

So - that’s all well and good, but does Minoxidil work? Yes - clinical data suggests that Minoxidil is effective at treating hair loss. Studies have proven that the medication can regrow hair around the vertex (i.e. around the scalp) and is most effective as a 5% topical solution.

Whilst every scalp can have a different reaction, these studies and our own testimonials are very encouraging.

How do I improve my Minoxidil results?

There are a variety of key ways to optimise your Minoxidil results. The first one is true for all of our treatments - consistency. Taking the time twice a day to apply your Minoxidil solution is essential if you want the best chance of success. If you find yourself regularly forgetting, we suggest setting a timer or applying at the same time as other daily routines (such as brushing your teeth). 

Secondly, Minoxidil should always be applied to the areas of the head that are receding or thinning. While this might sound obvious, it’s all too easy to miss out on the important areas of your scalp, such as the crown. If you can’t see your crown in your mirror, try and take a picture after application to ensure you're reaching the right areas.

For some men, one of the best ways to boost Minoxidil results is by combining their solution with other treatments. In fact, various studies have shown that Minoxidil tends to work more effectively when used alongside Finasteride. This study from 2015 concluded that ‘the combination of topical Minoxidil and Finasteride can [...] be considered as a beneficial treatment strategy to maintain hair density’. This combo can be found in our Duo treatment plan.

Ultimately, while there are no guarantees of success when it comes to Minoxidil, many men have experienced positive results. When applied consistently and used alongside other treatments, you give your hair the best chance of recovering.

All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.