If you’re struggling with hair loss, DHT is usually at the root of the problem. DHT is the most common cause of male hair loss in the UK and a sensitivity to this hormone can cause havoc for your hair follicles. But what is DHT, how is it linked to hair loss and can it be stopped.
What is DHT?
Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT for short, is a naturally occurring sex hormone and a by-product of testosterone. DHT develops due to the 5α-Reductase enzyme, which actively converts a small percentage of your testosterone into DHT through body tissue. The hormone plays a big role in developing the various stages of puberty in young men, such as a deepening of the voice. Ironically, DHT is also one of the main hormones responsible for growing hair in other parts of your body.
How is DHT linked to hair loss?
While DHT is essential for the development of the male body, it’s not all good news. Men with a sensitivity to DHT tend to suffer from faster, more aggressive hair loss through a process called miniaturisation. During this process, DHT binds to receptors in your hair follicles, causing them to gradually shrink over time and, ultimately, die off.
How do I block DHT?
Thankfully, it’s not all doom and gloom. Finasteride is one of the most popular prescription medications used to combat hair loss across the world and is a huge component of our treatment plans - but how does it block DHT? Finasteride belongs to a class of drugs called 5α-reductase inhibitors, which are able to limit the 5α-reductase enzyme’s production of DHT. With less DHT suppressing the growth of hair follicles and causing miniaturisation, hairs are allowed to regain their full growth potential, leading to thicker and healthier hair.
While Finasteride doesn’t work for every man and results aren’t guaranteed, there are a variety of studies that have found some impressive results. A famous study from 1999 found that Finasteride lowered levels of DHT in the scalp by up to 60%, while another discovered that 83% of men who used Finasteride stopped losing their hair. It doesn’t stop there either - in 2012, a large study found that Finasteride actively encouraged hair growth in over 85% of patients. It’s safe to say that the evidence is encouraging.
Ultimately, DHT is at the root cause of hair loss and you shouldn’t have to put up with it. DHT hair loss could be stopped by taking our Finasteride supplements, or (for even better odds) alongside our DHT-blocking shampoo. Take a look through our collection and get in touch today.
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