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How much hair loss is normal?

How much hair loss is normal?
07 October 2022
3-minute read

How much hair loss is normal? 


While disconcerting, it’s perfectly normal to shed hair each and every day. This is because your hair proceeds through four distinct phases during its natural growth, which includes a shedding phase. But how much hair loss is normal, and when do you need to do something about your hair loss? Let’s take a closer look. 


So, how much hair loss is normal? 


According to the NHS, it’s perfectly normal to lose anywhere between 50 and 100 hairs every day. So, when you notice some hairs on the pillow in the morning or in the bathtub after your shower, it’s nothing necessarily to worry about. Normal levels of hair loss are caused by the exogen phase of the hair growth cycle, as we explain below. 


Understanding the hair growth cycle 


There are four stages to hair growth:




The first stage of hair growth is known as anagen, which is sometimes referred to as the growth phase. It’s also the longest phase, which lasts for anywhere between 3-5 years. During this period, your hair follicles grow, and it’s estimated that approximately 90% of the hairs on your head are in the anagen phase at any given time, although everyone is different.  




Following the anagen phase, the catagen phase begins, lasting around ten days. It is also known as the transition phase, as your hair follicles shrink, and your general hair growth slows. Around 5% of your hairs are in the catagen phase at any given time. 




The telogen phase of hair growth is the resting phase, lasting three months. At this stage of the cycle, your hairs don’t grow, but they don’t usually fall out, either. Although sometimes regarded as the start of the shedding phase, that predominantly takes place during the exogen phase. 




This is the period during which hair follicles fall from your scalp, and as mentioned, it’s perfectly normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs during the exogen phase. It can last anywhere between 2-5 months, and as you shed hair follicles, new ones will grow back in their place. 


When does hair loss become a problem? 


If you lose more than 50-100 hairs during a day, it could be a sign that your hair loss isn’t caused by the natural shedding process. What’s more, if new hair follicles don’t grow in the place of those that are shedded, it can lead to long-term, permanent hair loss. 


This often occurs when a growth hormone called DHT binds itself to your hair follicles. DHT causes the hair follicles on your head to shrivel and die, and men with a genetic disposition to DHT are more likely to suffer from male pattern hair loss, which is a condition that affects millions of men in the UK every year.


Can hair loss be treated? 


Fortunately, there are several ways to treat hair loss that is not caused by the natural shedding phase of your hair growth cycle. Finasteride is a clinically proven medication for male pattern hair loss that prevents DHT from binding to your hair follicles. 


Taken orally, it’s an effective way to treat hair loss in the long term. Finasteride can also be coupled with Minoxidil, which is a vasodilator that increases oxygen and blood flow to the affected areas of your scalp, providing your hair follicles with the nutrients they require to grow and thrive. 


At Sons, we offer a range of clinically-backed hair loss treatments for men that will help you combat male pattern hair loss. Explore our treatments today and get in touch if you have any questions about how they work. 


All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.