Topical Minoxidil vs Oral Minoxidil: Everything You Need to Know

Topical Minoxidil vs Oral Minoxidil: Everything You Need to Know
13 November 2023
3-minute read

Millions of men in the UK experience hair loss every year. Instead of simply ignoring your receding hairline, the good news is that you can take action to do something about it. With that in mind, Minoxidil is one of two clinically proven medications for treating male pattern hair loss. But which is better - topical or oral Minoxidil? Here, we look at both types of Minoxidil and help you decide which is the better option for you. 


What is Minoxidil? 


Minoxidil is a medication that is commonly used to treat hair loss as one of the two clinically proven treatments to treat male pattern hair loss. As a vasodilator, Minoxidil increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the affected areas of your scalp, revitalising your hair follicles and stimulating regrowth. Studies have shown that a 5% topical solution is an effective form of this medication, and it’s often what men turn to when hoping to combat male pattern hair loss. However, a topical solution is not the only way you can take Minoxidil, as it’s also available to take orally, as we explain below. 

Minoxidil was originally used in tablet form to treat men with high blood pressure in the 1970s. It was discovered, however that it had the effect of promoting hair growth in those who took it and so a topical treatment was licensed for hair loss in the 1990s. However that oral tablet is still available and many are now turning to it at low doses (typically 2.5mg) as a safe and effective alternative to Topical Minoxidil. Typically this would be used for those who have trouble maintaining the twice daily routine of topical minoxidil or who can’t tolerate the topical treatment, either due to hair appearance or scalp irritation.


Topical Minoxidil vs. Oral Minoxidil 


Clinical studies have found that both topical and oral Minoxidil are equally effective when it comes to treating male pattern hair loss. Oral Minoxidil is seen by some people as a viable alternative to a topical solution, as the latter requires a twice-daily application. Researchers have found that oral Minoxidil is an effective and well-tolerated hair loss treatment for patients who don’t wish to use topical formulations, highlighting the fact that it is a safe and effective alternative treatment. 


Topical or oral Minoxidil: How to choose? 


The science shows that both topical and oral Minoxidil can effectively treat male pattern hair loss. More and more are turning to oral minoxidil as an alternative to Topical treatment where topical treatment with minoxidil is causing scalp irritation, or if the twice daily routine or appearance of hair with topical treatments is causing men to drop it from their routine. For those who would be unlikely to use topical Minoxidil but would favour an oral tablet taken once daily, oral treatment now provides a viable alternative. 


Getting the most out of Minoxidil 


Whether you opt for topical or oral Minoxidil, you need to make sure that you take your medication routinely every day. Skipping days can limit the effectiveness of Minoxidil and will make it more difficult to achieve the results that you desire. Furthermore, Minoxidil is known to be more effective when used in conjunction with other treatments, including Finasteride. Our Full Works Treatment Plan is effective in 9.4/10 men and combines Minoxidil with Finasteride while providing you with a DHT blocking shampoo and a Biotin supplement. You can learn more about the plan’s effectiveness by reading The Full Works Survey results


Still not sure? 


If you’re still on the fence about which form of Minoxidil is best for you and you would like some more information about the effectiveness of hair loss treatments, you can schedule an online consultation with one of our physicians today. 

All of our blog articles are reviewed by our Medical Director before publication.