Can Hair Loss Be a Sign of Something Serious?

Can Hair Loss Be a Sign of Something Serious?
02 April 2024
2-minute read

The vast majority of men will experience hair loss at some point in their life. In most instances, this is attributable to male pattern hair loss, a condition that occurs in men with a sensitivity to the hormone DHT. Over time, DHT damages hair follicles until they perish and stop sustaining hair strands.


Fortunately, there are ways to treat the condition using clinically proven medications such as finasteride and minoxidil, but can hair loss be a sign of something serious? Let’s take a look at some of these very rare instances and the concurrent symptoms that could indicate that it’s time to see your GP.

Alopecia: Losing hair in other areas of the body


Are you noticing hair loss in other areas of your body besides your head? You may be suffering from the autoimmune condition alopecia areata, which leads to a much greater amount of hair loss all over the body. The reason for this is that the bodies of those suffering from alopecia mistake hair follicles as threatening and start attacking them. The result is patches of bare skin all over the body and scalp. Anybody can develop alopecia, but scientists believe that genetics can play a part in its occurrence.

Hypothyroidism: Aching muscles and weight gain


Hypothyroidism is a form of autoimmune hormone imbalance that causes the thyroid gland to lower or stop producing hormones. Hair loss is one of the symptoms that may gradually develop, along with aching muscles, tiredness and weight gain. While occurring more often in women, men can also develop the condition. The good news is that hypothyroidism can be treated with relative ease if spotted early. Doctors will prescribe hormones to replace those that the thyroid gland can no longer produce.

Lupus: Rashes


Lupus is an autoimmune disease with symptoms such as fatigue, facial rashes, joint pain and hair loss. The disease is rare but, unfortunately, incurable. However, there are ways to inhibit its symptoms, including the use of medications such as ibuprofen and hydroxychloroquine. Remember: in most instances, rashes are not a sign of anything insidious, but when coupled with the other symptoms mentioned it’s worth getting in touch with a medical professional just in case.

Anaemia: Brittle hair and nails


It’s no secret that iron is pivotal to robust, healthy hair. As such, a deficiency can significantly impact hair growth and quality and could lead to anaemia, which means the body cannot produce an adequate number of red blood cells. While anaemia doesn’t cause hair loss outright (other symptoms include shortness of breath, pale skin, and headaches), hair and nails can become extremely brittle and fragile as a result.



To emphasise, the vast majority of male hair loss is easily attributed to male pattern hair loss. However, we suggest contacting your GP if you’re unsure and need further clarification. It’s always better to be on the safe side.

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