The Best Ways to Style Your Beard

The Best Ways to Style Your Beard
18 March 2022
3-minute read

The Best Ways to Style Your Beard 

If you’re wondering how to shape a beard, you’ve come to the right place. After all, getting that rich, full, and accomplished facial hair look isn’t easy. Whether you’re doing it independently or working with a barber, here are our top tips when it comes to styling your beard. 

Decide on your beard shape 

Considering how to shape a beard is an important first step when it comes to the style of your facial hair. If you have a particularly round face, fuller beards work best. If your face is fairly trim, you should sport a more streamlined and refined beard.

While this might sound a little simplistic, opting for a beard style that complements the shape of your face is an important first step. It’s a good idea to consult a barber or a stylist before settling on your shape, as you can opt for round, heart, oval, oblong, diamond, triangle, and square, for instance.

Prep your beard 

When you’re settled on its shape, it’s time to prep your beard. Washing, conditioning, and brushing your beard will help to detangle your hair and identify rogue hairs for removal. Once your beard is soft, you can brush it down into its natural position. 

This will help you determine its initial length, and you will also be able to see its natural growth patterns. Either independently or with the help of your barber, you can now start to think about how you want your beard to look. 

Shape your beard 

This is where things start to get a little intricate. Deciding how to shape a beard might be relatively straightforward, but actually putting your plan into motion can be tricky. There are several things you need to consider when shaping your beard: 


The neckline of your beard refers to the spot where the facial hair on your chin meets your neck. Getting the neckline right is vital for a proportional beard and you don’t want to allow growth too far towards your Adam’s apple (2-3cm above is ideal). 


Next up, you have to think about your jawline. This is the area that encompasses your sideburns and is between your neckline and cheeks. It’s entirely up to you how you trim your jawline, but symmetry is crucial. Nothing is worse on a beard than a wonky line across your face! 


There’s so much you can do with your moustache, and you will need to comb it before getting stuck in. This is because the hairs around your upper lip can be notoriously difficult to cut straight, so combing them out before proceeding with your trimmer will save you from a costly mistake. 

Maintain your beard 

When you’ve taken the plunge and shaped your beard to your liking, it’s now time to develop a routine for looking after it. The secret to a strong and full beard is to wash and maintain it regularly, just as you care for the hair on the top of your head. You should always remove straggly hairs and you might even trim it regularly so it keeps its shape.

To help you maintain your beard, it’s a good idea to pick up some products that will make your life so much easier. Our Beard Booster contains a 3% Minoxidil Solution that can help to stimulate the hair follicles in your beard, which could result in thicker-looking facial hair.

When used over a sustained period of time (3+ months), you give yourself the best chance of seeing the results you’re after. Ultimately, deciding how to shape a beard and developing a care package to go with it provides you with the best possible chance of maintaining a beard you can be proud of. 


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