The science behind hair loss

The science behind hair loss
16 January 2024
2-minute read

Male pattern hair loss has been studied for decades, and for good reason. The medical condition impacts two-thirds of men by the age of 35 in the UK, with many dealing with the anxiety that comes with it. Thankfully, there are scientifically proven solutions for men of all ages struggling with hair loss. Before we get to that, let’s outline some of the science.


How does hair loss occur?


When discussing the science behind male pattern hair loss, it can be difficult to get a clear answer. In reality, how hair loss occurs is relatively straightforward. Let’s get to it.


DHT and the hair loss process


Firstly, male pattern hair loss is a hereditary condition. This means that men who experience it have inherited a specific trait that leads to a genetic sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a byproduct of the hormone testosterone. At some point, DHT starts to slow and eventually stops the natural hair growth cycle leading to thinner, shorter hair strands and shrunken follicles in men with hereditary sensitivity through a process called miniaturisation. The end result is hair falling out and failing to grow back as it usually would.


It’s worth bearing in mind that not all hair loss in men can be attributed to male pattern hair loss. Many struggle with their diet and stress levels, both of which can exacerbate thinning hair. However, in the majority of cases, hair loss can be pinned down as a hereditary issue.


How do Finasteride and Minoxidil combat hair loss?


So - that’s the science behind hair loss, but are there effective treatments available? Thankfully, there are two specific treatments available that have proven credentials available to those who wish to treat male pattern hair loss: Minoxidil and Finasteride.




Finasteride has been used for decades in hair loss treatments and has been around since the 1990s. The medication works by inhibiting the production of DHT, lowering hormone levels and giving follicles a chance to achieve their full growth potential again. Finasteride comes in the form of a 1mg oral tablet, which should be taken once a day as part of a regular routine over months before results are visible. Various studies have clarified that consistently taking Finasteride has a material impact on male pattern hair loss in most men.




Minoxidil is thought to increase blood flow to the scalp, resulting in damaged hair follicles receiving higher amounts of nutrients. The standard dose is 5% Minoxidil spray applied to thinning areas twice daily.  As with Finasteride, Minoxidil has been clinically proven to be an effective hair loss treatment. When combined with Finasteride, these two medications are thought to work synergistically together to effectively halt male pattern hair loss.


Other treatments


Various other treatments also exist to help limit the effects of male pattern hair loss. These include shampoos containing ingredients such as saw palmetto and caffeine, and Biotin, a supplement that can help to fortify the structure of your hair. All of these treatments can be used simultaneously with Finasteride and Minoxidil to combat male pattern hair loss and enhance the quality of your hair.


Finding the proper treatment for you


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