Are you unsure whether your hair is thinning? You’re not alone. While spotting the signs of thinning hair can be tricky, identifying them early will drastically improve your chances of achieving regrowth.
Taking care of your hair is of the utmost importance to avoid losing it. Hair maintenance can be done in several ways. We look into scalp stimulation to find out if it works to boost hair growth.
Millions of men in the UK experience hair loss every year. Instead of simply ignoring your receding hairline, the good news is that you can take action to do something about it.
If you thought all hope was lost as you find more and more hairs on your pillow each morning, think again. Minoxidil is a safe and effective form of treatment for hair loss.
Here, we explain what potential side effects you might experience from this hair loss treatment and inform you of what to do should you have any concerns after starting your treatment.