Is there a real hair loss cure?

Is there a real hair loss cure?
11 November 2021
2-minute read

When faced with the prospect of a receding hairline, many men immediately begin searching for a cure. Unfortunately, no such cure exists, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be one in the future. There are effective treatments, however, that can halt your hair loss and give some growth - our hair loss treatments can help you to take back control of your hairline. To keep you up to date, we’ve outlined some of the latest news on hair loss cures, and what you can do to treat your hair loss today.

Is a cure possible?

Whether you’re noticing bald patches or your hair is starting to thin, you are most likely experiencing one of the many types of hair loss. Male pattern hair loss (otherwise known as androgenetic alopecia) is one of the most common forms of hair loss, with most men inevitably experiencing it at some point in their lives. The condition is caused due to a complicated combination of hormones (mostly a sensitivity to DHT), genetics and ageing.

As far as an out and out cure for hair loss goes, there’s a long way to go. Scientists are working out the mechanics that are behind male pattern hair loss, but have started making progress. The recent developments in stem cells, transplants and our knowledge of genetics are promising and could signal a potential cure on the horizon.

Are stem cells or transplants viable solutions?

Stem cells are a type of cell that can transform into different cells in your body, which exist in order to fix various types of damage done to tissue. Many scientists are finding some success in cultivating stem cells around the hair follicles on the head, helping them to grow in size and fixing the miniaturisation that occurs during male pattern baldness.

Hair transplants aren’t a secret to anybody looking for a hair loss cure. While not a cure in itself, the process involves moving hair follicles from other parts of your body to the areas of your scalp that are thinning. 

A hair transplant (sometimes referred to as “hair restoration”) is a procedure whereby your own hair follicles are relocated to other areas of your scalp using a technique called micrografting. Unfortunately, transplants are often very expensive, time-consuming and aren’t a cure for your hair loss.

What are the current treatments for hair loss?

Finasteride and Minoxidil are two of the most popular and successful medications for treating male pattern hair loss. With few (rare) side effects and an easy consumption method, these two medications could potentially help slow your receding hairline. They do this by working symbiotically to stop the effects of the hormone DHT, one of the main culprits for the development of male pattern hair loss.

While our hair loss treatments may not cure your male pattern baldness, they do use scientifically proven treatments and a range of supplements to halt hair loss and even reverse it in some. Take a look through our collection of hair loss treatments today.

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